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Approaching The Stables



A lone building rests on the horizon, the scenic backdrop of a cityscape visible in the distance.  A stable hand by the name of Wanem greets you upon your approach, readied with steadfast hands to accept the reins and tend to your horses.  The simple and modest gathering room provides warmth and restoration as you build your strength to walk further into Mithrendain. The Resk Estate House and The Whars Chalet & Drinkery are visible on the horizon and easily accessible to those seeking lodging.

Fantasy Chat RPG Mithrendain

Homyl Stables


Located between the Hinterlands and the city border, Homyl Stables provides lodging of the beastiary sort.  Due to the plethora of available space, Homyl Stables is an affordabe option for travelers of all varieties.

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